Recent News
The Institute for World Literature (IWL) has been created to explore the study of literature in a globalizing world. As we enter the twenty-first century, our understanding of “world literature” has expanded beyond the classic canon of European masterpieces and entered a far-reaching inquiry into the variety of the world’s literary cultures and their distinctive reflections and refractions of the political, economic, and religious forces sweeping the globe. Past guest lecturers and keynote speakers include Gayatri Spivak (2011), Orhan Pamuk (2012), Homi Bhabha (2013, 2016, 2022), Gisèle Sapiro (2014), and Jérôme David (2015). Our seminars are taught by a wide range of scholars working across disciplines. Past seminar leaders include Susan Bassnett, Franco Moretti, Bruce Robbins, Gisèle Sapiro, Lawrence Venuti, Rebecca Walkowitz, and many more. Read more.